As a high school aged JW in the late 50's, my life was very much like "Happy Days," the 1970s TV comedy (USA). My parents really didn't have a problem with me dating non-JW girls from time to time because they knew I was an active and faithful JW and I always dated "nice" girls. I would also date JW girls from time to time, but most of them were so messed up in the head that I found it to be a real chore.
The JW girls I dated were often cute when they were younger, but most turned out to be JW breeding cows. No disrespect to any of the fine ladies on this board, but for some reason as soon as those girls would get married, they would start popping babies and gaining weight. Some of them were real lookers as teens, but even in their 20s, many were difficult to look at and remember that I'd dated them once.
Every time I hear "Unanswered Prayers" by Garth Brooks I think of some of those gals.
I married a wordly girl from my high school senior class. She was not a JW when we got married in the Kingdom Hall, but she was studying and eventually converting. She was still in when I left the JWs about five years after our wedding. That whole thing is another story.
I think the best date I ever had with a JW girl was quite unexpected. A brother in our congregation had a couple of kids, one a girl who was a bit of a disciplinary problem during her junior high years. The whole family moved back east someplace and I totally lost track of all of them. One weekend the brother and his now 19 year old daughter came to town to visit and take care of family business. He asked me if I might take her out someplace while they were in town, so I suggested several things we could do. She insisted on going to the drive-in movie. I was Ok with that.
During the first feature we were very good and watched the movie and enjoyed our popcorn and all that - maybe held hands. But during the second feature she was all over me and insisted we get in the back seat. For those of you who have experienced that type of backseat entertainment you can pretty well imagine what we were doing for the next two hours. I almost lost my virginity that night. I know I pretty much lost everything else. Learned a few things too. That little JW girl was the hottest date I EVER HAD! The next day she and her father went home and I never saw her again. Never saw her, but will never forget her - that's for sure.
All in all, dating in the 1950s and 60s was pretty much based on the customs of the times. Later, in the 1960s and 70s, I know the rules about dating got really tight and dating a non-JW was pretty much a banned activity. The girls at the KH were for the most part pretty naive and confused about their sexuality - so many really went overboard when their hormones began raging out of control. My guess is that for most it is still that way and is probably a major cause of so much "pornea" going on in the KHs. It's very difficult to have a normal adolescent life for any "good" JW kid.